Monday, December 20, 2010

Google Wealth Wizard

I pretty much cannot stand any info products out there! Ahhh, they just always seem to let me down, over and over again. It's a non-stop cycle of failure! So I came across Google Wealth Wizard, and I knew it absolutely was going to suck.

It just had to suck. I mean, come on, how many products out there do work? Not many that I come across. Granted, yes, I have bought myself some info products that have added a few dollars to my bank account, but not many to brag about, and certainly what I got was nothing I was promissed.

"$1000 a day? Yeah right, in my dreams. What do they think I am? Stupid?" That's exactly what I said when I came across the Google Wealth Wizard, and needless to say, I quickly left the site and went on with my life searching for the next "big" opportunity. What I came across was very interesting...

Being a member on some of the net's most popular money making forums, I came across a few post that startled me. People were actually claiming that the Google Wealth Wizard does work. How can this be?

One person claimed that it took him only 8 days to make over $250 a day with doing very little work. He felt he could make more but he wanted to take things slow and build from there. In my opinion, this is probably the best approach.

Still though, I was skeptical, and being an editor for an online money making review site, I was a natural cridict towards every product I came in contact with over the Internet. Google Wealth Wizard was certainly no exception.

As the product became more and more popular and as the forums began to have more and more posts of people's experience with the Google Wealth Wizard, I decided that maybe the Google Wealth Wizard was something I should check out. Besides, I had a review site to run and I always need new products to review. So, I gave in and purchased the Google Wealth Wizard.

The Google Wealth Wizard offers beginner with NO computer or online money making experience, as well as individuals already familiar with ways of making money online, new information that other products leave out.

The Google Wealth Wizard is relatively new, being released in mid September, 2006. If anything has proven true in internet marketing, you ALWAYS want to be the first on board to try new methods before the competition gets fierce. Guess what. The competition isn't there yet!

Because of this new product and new information, I was able to cash in extra income before too many people got ahold of the product. After 4 months, a product begins to lose its effectiveness, so it's essential to get on the information as soon as possible.

Luckily you have the opportunity to pick up on this great information product before it gets too late.

But wait one minute...there were a few things that I felt the Google Wealth Wizard was missing. I felt there wasn't enough information on email marketing (which is HUGE in making money online. I do it ALL the time) and not near enough information on viral marketing (which also is HUUUUGE).

Sure, I do honestly believe that people can make money with the Google Wealth Wizard alone, but don't expect a "tell-all" book...Afterall, there's always more to learn...the Google Wealth Wizard just covers one aspect of making money on the 'net.

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